Friday 21 June 2024

Learning Drums: Challenging yourself with sixteenth note grooves

 In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, understanding and mastering rhythmic subdivisions is crucial for developing your drumming skills. Let’s break down how to play a sixteenth note groove from an eighth note beat:

  1. Subdivision Basics: Begin by dividing an eighth note into two equal parts, resulting in sixteenth notes. This subdivision creates a more complex and dynamic rhythm.
  2. Counting Sixteenth Notes: To play a 4/4 beat in sixteenth notes, count out loud as follows: “1-e-&-a-2-e-&-a-3-e-&-a-4-e-&-a.” This method helps you internalize the timing and feel of sixteenth notes.
  3. Hi-Hat Practice: Start by playing the sixteenth note groove on the hi-hat. Focus on maintaining a steady tempo and even spacing between notes. This exercise helps build precision and control.
  4. Switch to Double-Handed Technique: Once you feel comfortable with single-handed sixteenth notes, switch to playing double-handed sixteenth notes on the hi-hat. This involves alternating strokes between your right and left hands, which increases speed and fluidity.

Our online drums course at Zelus Academy offers comprehensive lessons, interactive tutorials, and personalized feedback to help you master these techniques. Through our structured curriculum, you’ll gain the skills needed to confidently play various rhythms and grooves.

Join Zelus Academy’s online drums course today and take your drumming to the next level. Our expert instructors and supportive community are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you develop the proficiency and confidence to excel in your drumming journey.  Continue reading

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Keyboard:Introduction to time signatures in music

 In the online Keyboard course at Zelus Academy , understanding time signatures is fundamental for any aspiring musician. The 4/4 time sign...