Wednesday 31 July 2024

Organizational Skills - Why leadership skills have become critical and how to develop them

In our Online Organizational Skills course at Zealous Academy, you'll discover that leadership is about influencing others, which stems from possessing qualities that naturally attract and inspire people to follow you. True leaders are driven by internal motivation, not relying on external factors to push them forward. This intrinsic motivation is a cornerstone of effective leadership.

The number one skill you'll develop in our Organizational Skills online learning is the ability to influence yourself before you can influence others. Self-leadership and personal discipline are critical components of our curriculum, ensuring that you can guide yourself with the same effectiveness and conviction you use to lead others. By mastering these skills, you'll be well-equipped to inspire and direct your team, creating a lasting impact within any organization. Continue reading

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Tuesday 30 July 2024

Organizational Skills:Discover five leadership best practices that are easy to follow

In our Online Organizational Skills course at Zealous Academy, you'll learn that effective leaders possess a clear vision and skillfully include others in that vision. They understand the value of seeking assistance when needed, demonstrating that it's okay to ask for help as part of their leadership strategy. Alignment between what leaders communicate and their actual practices is crucial for credibility and effectiveness.

Our Organizational Skills online learning emphasizes the importance of congruence—ensuring that your actions reflect your words. Leaders also recognize the strategic use of leverage and trust within their teams, encouraging team members to make independent decisions and contribute to the overall success. Through this course, you will develop these essential leadership qualities and understand how to apply them in real-world scenarios, fostering a productive and cohesive team environment. Continue reading

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Monday 29 July 2024

Organizational Skills: Explore seven practical tips to be an effective leader

 To excel in our Online Organizational Skills course at Zealous Academy, it is crucial to immerse yourself in a broad spectrum of knowledge. Engage with industry leaders you admire and seek their mentorship to enhance your learning journey. Cultivate mental toughness and self-discipline to adhere to your commitments, as these traits are vital for success. Embrace competitiveness and a strong drive to achieve your goals, which are essential in both our Organizational Skills online learning modules and in professional practice.

Show unwavering loyalty to your team and maintain high levels of energy and enthusiasm throughout your studies. Take full responsibility for all outcomes, whether positive or negative, as this accountability is key to personal and professional growth. By embodying these principles, you will maximize your experience in the Online Organizational Skills course and effectively apply what you learn to achieve success. Continue reading

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Sunday 28 July 2024

Guitar: Introduction to the guitar and its parts

The guitar is a beautifully crafted instrument with several key components that work together to produce its unique sound. At Zelus Academy, our online guitar course covers all these essential parts to help you understand and play the guitar more effectively.

Guitar Body and Soundboard:

  • The main body of the guitar is typically made of wood. On top of the body is the soundboard, which amplifies the sound produced by the strings.

Bridge and Strings:

  • The bridge is attached to the body and serves as the anchor point for the strings. It plays a crucial role in transmitting the vibrations of the strings to the soundboard.

Neck and Fretboard:

  • The neck of the guitar extends from the body and houses the fretboard. The fretboard is where you press down on the strings to change the pitch.


  • The fretboard is divided into sections by metal strips called frets. The space between these frets is also referred to as a fret, and pressing the strings in these spaces alters the pitch of the notes.

Nut and Tuning Posts:

  • At the top of the neck, you'll find the nut. The nut has grooves that guide the strings from the fretboard to the tuning posts. The tuning posts, located on the headstock, allow you to adjust the tension of the strings and tune your guitar.

Understanding these components is fundamental to mastering the guitar. Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy offers detailed lessons on each part, ensuring you know how to maintain and play your instrument effectively.

Join our online guitar course today to dive deeper into the anatomy of the guitar and develop your skills with expert guidance. Our comprehensive lessons are designed to help you become a confident and knowledgeable guitarist. Continue reading

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Saturday 27 July 2024

Guitar: How to go about tuning your guitar

Tuning your guitar is a fundamental skill that every guitarist should master. At Zelus Academy, our online guitar course provides you with the necessary knowledge and tools to ensure your instrument is always in perfect harmony. Here’s a simple guide to help you tune your guitar:

Understanding the Notes:

  • We use the seven letters from A to G to name the musical notes. These notes are the building blocks for tuning and playing your guitar.

Guitar String Order:

  • The guitar has six strings, which are counted from the bottom to the top when held in the playing position. These strings are numbered 1 to 6.

Standard Tuning:

  • The standard tuning for a guitar is EADGBE. This can be remembered with the mnemonic: "Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie."
    • 6th String: E
    • 5th String: A
    • 4th String: D
    • 3rd String: G
    • 2nd String: B
    • 1st String: E

Using an Electronic Tuner:

  1. Turn on the Tuner: Most electronic tuners have a built-in microphone for acoustic guitars and an input jack for electric guitars.
  2. Select the Note: Pluck the 6th string (E) and the tuner will display the note you’re playing. Adjust the tuning peg until the tuner indicates the correct note.
  3. Repeat for Each String: Follow the same process for each string, using the notes EADGBE.

By following these steps, you'll ensure that your guitar is in perfect tune, providing a solid foundation for your practice and performances. Our guitar online learning course at Zelus Academy offers detailed video tutorials and interactive exercises to help you master tuning and other essential skills.

Join our online guitar course today and start your musical journey with confidence. Our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you develop the skills needed to become a proficient guitarist. Continue reading

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Friday 26 July 2024

Guitar:Maintain the right posture and grip from day one

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we emphasize the importance of proper posture and hand positioning to ensure a comfortable and injury-free playing experience. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind as you progress through your guitar online learning journey:

  1. Maintain an Upright Posture: Always sit or stand with a straight back. Avoid slouching as it can lead to back pain and negatively affect your playing technique.

  2. Hand Positioning: Instead of gripping the neck tightly with your left hand, gently encircle it. This relaxed grip allows for better movement and prevents unnecessary strain.

  3. Wrist Angles: Ensure your wrists are not bent at sharp angles. Maintaining a neutral wrist position helps avoid putting pressure on your tendons, reducing the risk of injury.

  4. Elevate One Leg: For a more comfortable playing position, consider using a foot stool to elevate one leg slightly. This adjustment can help stabilize the guitar and provide better access to the fretboard.

These ergonomic practices are crucial for developing good habits and avoiding discomfort or injury. Our guitar online course at Zelus Academy includes detailed video lessons and practical exercises that guide you through these fundamental techniques. By incorporating these tips, you'll be able to play more efficiently and comfortably, allowing you to focus on honing your skills and enjoying your musical journey.

Join us at Zelus Academy and benefit from our comprehensive online guitar course. Our expert instructors are dedicated to helping you achieve your musical goals with personalized guidance and support. Start your guitar learning journey with us and experience the difference that proper technique and posture can make. Continue reading

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Thursday 25 July 2024

Guitar:Become adept at using the pick or plectrum

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we introduce the fundamental tools and techniques essential for every guitarist. One such tool is the guitar pick, a small, triangular piece of nylon used to strike the strings.

To properly hold the pick, place it between your thumb and index finger, ensuring it is perpendicular to your thumb for optimal control and precision. Mastering the use of the pick is crucial for playing clean and articulate notes.

To practice downstrokes, we recommend the 4-note exercise. This exercise not only helps in improving your picking technique but also in strengthening your finger dexterity. Here’s how it works:

  1. Place your index finger on the 5th fret of any string.
  2. Place your middle finger on the 6th fret.
  3. Place your ring finger on the 7th fret.
  4. Place your little finger on the 8th fret.

Pluck each note with a downstroke, maintaining a steady rhythm. This exercise is a great way to build muscle memory and accuracy in your playing.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides detailed lessons and video demonstrations to help you perfect these fundamental skills. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your technique, our course is designed to support your musical journey.

Join us at Zelus Academy and take advantage of our comprehensive online guitar course. You'll gain the knowledge and confidence needed to play with skill and passion. Start your guitar learning journey with us and unlock your full musical potential. Continue reading  

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Wednesday 24 July 2024

Guitar:Play along to popular songs using four simple chords

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we explore the concept of chords, which are collections of three or more notes played together to create harmony. One classic song we use to practice chord progressions is "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan.

In this song, you'll learn a simple yet effective strumming pattern. Begin by playing 2 strokes on each of the first two chords, followed by 4 strokes on the third chord. The chord progression is straightforward and divided into two rounds:

  1. G Major – D Major – A Minor
  2. G Major – D Major – C Major

This pattern helps you get comfortable with transitioning between chords while maintaining a steady rhythm. It's an excellent exercise for beginners to improve their timing, strumming consistency, and chord changes.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations to guide you through this song and many others. By practicing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door," you'll develop a stronger understanding of chord structures and strumming techniques, which are essential for playing a wide variety of songs.

Join our online guitar course at Zelus Academy to gain access to comprehensive lessons, expert guidance, and a supportive community of fellow learners. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, our course is designed to help you achieve your musical goals. Start your journey with us and discover the joy of playing guitar with confidence and ease. Continue reading

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Tuesday 23 July 2024

Guitar:Make chord changes smoother with a metronome

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, using a metronome is a fundamental practice to develop your sense of timing and rhythm. The metronome provides a consistent pulse or beat, helping you synchronize your strokes with precision.

To get started, you can download any of the various convenient metronome apps available. Set the metronome to a count of four, and you'll hear a pulse that repeats in a cycle of four beats. Typically, the first beat of each cycle is accented, making it easier for you to identify the beginning of each measure without having to count manually.

Playing along with a metronome allows you to maintain a steady tempo and develop internal timing. Whether you're practicing scales, chords, or rhythm patterns, the metronome ensures that you stay in sync and play consistently.

In our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy, we emphasize the importance of metronome practice. Our lessons incorporate metronome exercises tailored to different skill levels, helping you improve your timing gradually. By practicing with a metronome, you'll build a solid rhythmic foundation that is crucial for playing with other musicians and performing confidently.

Join our online guitar course at Zelus Academy to explore comprehensive lessons that include metronome practice. Our expert instructors will guide you through effective techniques to enhance your timing, rhythm, and overall guitar playing skills. Start your journey with us and experience the benefits of structured practice with a metronome.Continue reading

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Monday 22 July 2024

Guitar:Build finger strength and agility through these exercises

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, mastering finger placement and synchronization with a metronome are essential skills for any guitarist. Here's a foundational exercise to enhance your finger dexterity and timing:

Start by holding down the 5th fret on the 6th string with your index finger and play the note. Move to the 6th fret on the same string with your middle finger, followed by the 7th fret with your ring finger, and finally the 8th fret with your pinkie. This sequence helps you build strength and independence in each finger.

Set your metronome to a comfortable tempo and synchronize your picking with its count. Play each note in sync with the metronome, ensuring precise timing. Once you’re comfortable on the 6th string, repeat this exercise across the remaining strings, maintaining the same finger sequence and timing.

This exercise not only improves your finger strength and coordination but also helps you develop a consistent picking technique. Practicing with a metronome ensures that your timing is accurate, a crucial aspect of playing music.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy offers comprehensive lessons that include exercises like this to help you develop essential skills. With step-by-step instructions and expert guidance, you'll be able to master finger placement and synchronization, setting a strong foundation for your guitar playing journey.

Join our online guitar course at Zelus Academy to enhance your skills, improve your timing, and become a proficient guitarist. Let us guide you through effective practice routines and techniques to take your playing to the next level. Continue reading

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Sunday 21 July 2024

Guitar:Master the triads or three-note chords

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we explore the two fundamental types of triads: major chords and minor chords. Major chords typically sound happier and more uplifting, while minor chords carry a slightly melancholic tone. Understanding the difference between these chord types is essential for creating diverse musical expressions.

To get started, experiment with A Major and A Minor chords. Notice the distinct emotional quality each chord conveys. This exercise will help you develop a deeper understanding of how chord types influence the mood of a piece.

In the key of G Major, there are seven essential chords to learn: G Major, A Minor, B Minor, C Major, D Major, E Minor, and F# Diminished. These chords form the harmonic foundation of many songs and provide a versatile palette for songwriting and improvisation.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy offers detailed lessons on these chords and their applications. We provide step-by-step guidance to help you master each chord shape and transition smoothly between them. By practicing these chords, you will build a strong foundation in music theory and improve your overall guitar playing skills.

Join our online guitar course to explore major and minor chords, understand their roles in music, and enhance your ability to create rich, emotive soundscapes with your guitar. Let Zelus Academy be your guide on this musical journey.Continue reading

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Saturday 20 July 2024

Guitar:How to play the C major scale

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we dive into the foundational concepts of music theory, starting with scales. A scale is a fixed set of note distances, and one of the most fundamental scales to learn is the C Major Scale. The notes of the C Major Scale are C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C, which corresponds to Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do.

The name "C Major" comes from the fact that the scale begins on the C note. This scale is essential for understanding how music is structured and is a great starting point for any guitarist. Practice the C Major Scale in both ascending and descending directions, starting from low C and moving up to high C, and then back down.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides step-by-step instructions and exercises to help you master this scale. By practicing the C Major Scale regularly, you will develop finger strength, dexterity, and a better understanding of musical intervals. Our comprehensive lessons will guide you through the process, ensuring you build a solid foundation in music theory.

Join us in our online guitar course to explore scales and other fundamental concepts, and take your guitar playing to the next level with expert guidance and structured learning. Continue reading

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Friday 19 July 2024

Guitar:Increase speed and fluency using a metronome

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we emphasize the importance of mastering rhythm and maintaining fast tempos. Previously, we synchronized the metronome to play one downstroke at every click. Now, we'll advance to playing two downstrokes for every click. This exercise will use the chords G Major, D Major, A Minor, and C Major.

Practicing this technique is crucial for any rhythm guitar player, as it develops fluency and precision in your playing. Start by setting your metronome and playing downstrokes on each click. Once you're comfortable, increase the tempo and play two downstrokes per click, focusing on maintaining a steady rhythm.

Our guitar online learning program offers comprehensive guidance and practice routines to help you achieve this. We provide detailed instructions and exercises designed to improve your speed and accuracy. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, Zelus Academy's online guitar course is tailored to help you become a proficient rhythm guitarist. Join us and take your guitar playing to the next level with structured lessons and expert guidance. Continue reading

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Thursday 18 July 2024

Guitar:Grouping of notes in groups of three and six

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, you'll explore different rhythmic patterns to enhance your playing. Start by setting your metronome to group three notes or beats at a time. The rhythm follows a -1-2-3-1-2-3- pattern. Begin by practicing this pattern with the metronome using the chords G, C, and D.

Once you feel comfortable with the metronome, try turning it off and counting the rhythm for yourself. As you get more confident, stop counting and focus on playing the groups of three by feeling and tracking the rhythm naturally. This exercise will help you internalize the triplet feel, improving your timing and rhythm.

Our guitar online learning program provides detailed instructions and practice exercises to help you master various rhythms and techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, Zelus Academy's online guitar course will guide you through the process, enabling you to play with greater precision and confidence. Join us and take your guitar skills to the next level. Continue reading 

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Wednesday 17 July 2024

Guitar:Incorporate upstrokes in rhythmic playing

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, you’ll learn how upstrokes can enhance your ability to play rhythmic patterns at twice the speed. By incorporating upstrokes, you’ll use the returning motion from one downstroke to the start of the next to play an additional note.

To practice this technique, set your metronome to four beats per measure and count: 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and. The “and” is where you’ll insert your upstroke, effectively doubling the number of notes played within each measure. This approach not only increases your playing speed but also adds a new dimension to your rhythm playing.

Our guitar online learning program provides comprehensive lessons on mastering upstrokes and other essential techniques. Through detailed instruction and practice exercises, you’ll develop the skills needed to play more complex and faster rhythmic patterns. Join Zelus Academy’s online guitar course and unlock your full potential as a guitarist. Continue reading

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Tuesday 16 July 2024

Guitar:How to play the seven chords in the key of C

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, you’ll learn the fundamentals of playing in the key of C Major. The notes of the C Major Scale are C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C. When we refer to chords in the key of C, we’re talking about chords composed of these specific notes. The primary chords in this key are C Major, D Minor, E Minor, F Major, G Major, A Minor, and B Diminished.

Practicing these chords is essential for smooth transitions and overall fluidity in your playing. To achieve this, we recommend using a metronome to maintain a consistent rhythm while you practice moving between these seven chord shapes. This technique will help you develop timing and coordination, which are crucial for playing smoothly.

Our guitar online learning program provides detailed lessons and exercises to help you master these chords and transitions. By enrolling in Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, you’ll gain access to expert instruction and resources designed to enhance your skills and understanding of music theory. Join us and take your guitar playing to the next level.Continue reading

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Monday 15 July 2024

Guitar: Master the use of chord numbering systems

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, we teach you how to transfer certain characteristics from one major scale to another using a numbering system. This system helps you determine the chords derived from the notes in any major scale.

Here’s how it works:

  • The 1st chord is Major.
  • The 2nd chord is Minor.
  • The 3rd chord is Minor.
  • The 4th chord is Major.
  • The 5th chord is Major.
  • The 6th chord is Minor.
  • The 7th chord is Diminished.

By applying this pattern, you can easily figure out the chords in any major key. For instance, in the C Major scale, the chords would be C Major, D Minor, E Minor, F Major, G Major, A Minor, and B Diminished. This method simplifies the process of chord identification and helps you understand the structure of major scales.

Our guitar online learning program offers comprehensive lessons on music theory, chord progressions, and practical exercises to solidify your understanding. Enroll in Zelus Academy's online guitar course and unlock the full potential of your musical creativity by mastering these foundational concepts.Continue reading

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Sunday 14 July 2024

Guitar - Practise muting using your right hand

In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, you'll learn the essential technique of muting the strings for a more controlled sound. By placing your right hand lightly on the strings, you can muffle the sound effectively. As you move your right hand from the bridge towards the neck, the sound becomes progressively more muted.

The key to mastering this technique lies in two variables: the position of your hand and the amount of pressure you apply. Experimenting with these factors allows you to achieve the desired level of muting, adding a dynamic range to your playing.

Our guitar online learning program provides detailed lessons and practice exercises to help you perfect this technique. With our step-by-step guidance, you'll gain the skills and confidence needed to incorporate string muting into your playing. Enroll in Zelus Academy's online guitar course today and elevate your guitar skills to new heights. Continue reading

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Saturday 13 July 2024

Guitar - Muting techniques using your left hand

 In our online guitar course at Zelus Academy, you'll master the technique of playing barre chords, which allows you to mute the chord by simply releasing the pressure on the strings. To refine your skills, start with the G Major Chord and an 8th note pattern.

Begin by practicing with downstrokes and upstrokes. Once you're comfortable, move on to the muting technique. Focus on muting either the first note (downstroke) or the second note (upstroke), which can be more challenging. This technique is crucial for creating dynamic and expressive rhythms in your playing.

Our guitar online learning program provides detailed instructions and practice exercises to help you perfect these techniques. By following our step-by-step approach, you'll gain the skills and confidence needed to incorporate barre chords and muting into your playing. Enroll in Zelus Academy's online guitar course today and take your guitar skills to the next level Continue reading

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Friday 12 July 2024

Guitar - Play chords one note at a time with arpeggios

 In Zelus Academy's online guitar course, you'll learn how to create a lush sound by letting the notes ring into each other. There are two primary counting methods for this technique: counting in 8 notes and counting in 6 notes. Essentially, this means counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, with each count corresponding to a different note of the chord.

Arpeggiating chords, where you play the notes of a chord sequentially rather than simultaneously, is a crucial skill in guitar playing. This technique is easier to execute with some chords than others, but with practice, you can master it for a variety of chord shapes.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy offers comprehensive lessons to help you perfect these techniques. By following our structured approach, you'll develop the ability to create beautiful, flowing arpeggios that enhance your playing. Enroll in our online guitar course today to learn how to seamlessly integrate these techniques into your music. Continue reading

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Thursday 11 July 2024

Guitar - Introduction to playing Summer of '69

In Zelus Academy's online guitar course, you'll explore playing in the key of D, using notes from the D Major scale: D E F# G A B C# D. To achieve a dynamic sound, you'll incorporate a mix of palm muting and open chords. The intro riff features D Major and A Major played as muted chords, followed by quick transitions between D sus2/D Major and A sus2/A Major.

Palm muting is a technique where you lightly rest the palm of your picking hand on the strings near the bridge, producing a muted, percussive sound. This contrasts beautifully with the ringing tones of open chords, adding depth and texture to your playing.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides detailed guidance on these techniques. By following our step-by-step instructions, you'll master the art of blending muted and open chords, enhancing your musical expression. Enroll in our online guitar course today to dive deeper into these techniques and elevate your playing. Continue reading

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Wednesday 10 July 2024

Guitar - More on how to play Summer of '69

In Zelus Academy's online guitar course, mastering chord sequences is essential for song structure and dynamics. For the pre-chorus, we use the chords B Minor, A Major, D Major, and G Major in the sequence: Bm-A-D-G-Bm-A-D-G-Bm-A-D. To add contrast and create a dip before building into the chorus, strum each of the last three chords (Bm, A, D) just once.

For the bridge section, the chord progression is F-Bb-C-Bb-F-Bb-C-C. This sequence adds variety and a different tonal quality to the song. By practicing these chord transitions and strumming patterns, you can enhance the emotional impact of your music.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy offers detailed instructions, chord diagrams, and strumming patterns to help you perfect these sequences. Join our online guitar course to learn more about creating dynamic pre-choruses and bridges, and take your playing to the next level. Continue reading

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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Guitar: Follow the G major scale across all six strings

In Zelus Academy's online guitar course, understanding and practicing scales is fundamental to improving your guitar skills. The G Major Scale consists of the notes G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, and G. To play this scale across all six strings, you can follow this pattern:

  • 6th string: 3rd, 5th fret
  • 5th string: 2nd, 3rd, 5th fret
  • 4th string: 2nd, 4th, 5th fret
  • 3rd string: 2nd, 4th, 5th fret
  • 2nd string: 3rd, 5th fret
  • 1st string: 2nd, 3rd, 5th fret

Another method to play the G Major Scale is by assigning a fixed number of notes per string. This approach helps in developing muscle memory and makes it easier to shift positions on the fretboard.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides detailed lessons and visual aids to help you master these techniques. By following our structured exercises and practicing regularly, you can seamlessly incorporate the G Major Scale into your playing. Join our online guitar course to explore different scales, improve your fretboard knowledge, and enhance your overall musicianship. Continue reading

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Monday 8 July 2024

Guitar: Improve speed and fluency with sixteenth note rhythms

 In Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, mastering rhythm and timing is crucial. When practicing with a metronome, we play 16 strokes for every 4 clicks, honing our precision and control. Many songs require you to break down these 4 clicks further, allowing for finer control over the beats played in between.

The exciting part of this exercise is when we leave out or drop certain notes within the 16 counts. This technique creates various rhythmic feels and grooves, adding complexity and nuance to your playing. By experimenting with which notes to omit, you can develop unique rhythms that make your playing more dynamic and expressive.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy includes detailed lessons and exercises to help you practice these techniques. With step-by-step video tutorials and interactive modules, you'll learn how to incorporate these rhythmic variations into your playing, enhancing your musicality and overall guitar skills. Join our online guitar course to explore these concepts in depth and take your rhythm playing to the next level. Continue reading

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Sunday 7 July 2024

Guitar: Master the A minor pentatonic and blues scale

In Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, understanding the pentatonic scale is fundamental for every guitarist. The A Minor Pentatonic Scale consists of five notes and is played with specific finger positions:

  • 6th String: Frets 5 and 8
  • 5th String: Frets 5 and 7
  • 4th String: Frets 5 and 7
  • 3rd String: Frets 5 and 7
  • 2nd String: Frets 5 and 8
  • 1st String: Frets 5 and 8

These finger positions provide a framework for improvisation and soloing across various musical styles.

To expand on this foundation, you can transform the A Minor Pentatonic Scale into the A Minor Blues Scale by simply adding one additional note. This added note is known as the "blue note," and it enhances the scale's expressiveness, giving it that distinctive bluesy feel.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy delves into these scales, teaching you how to seamlessly integrate the blue note into your playing. With detailed video tutorials, practical exercises, and interactive lessons, you’ll learn to master these scales and incorporate them into your solos and compositions. Enroll in our comprehensive online guitar course to elevate your playing and explore the rich world of guitar music. Continue reading

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Saturday 6 July 2024

Guitar : Improve versatility by switching to bar chords

In Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, mastering the technique of barring is crucial for advancing your skills. To create a bar, use your index finger to press down all six strings by flattening it across the fretboard. This forms the foundation upon which different chord shapes can be built.

The beauty of this technique lies in its versatility. By simply moving the bar up or down the fretboard, you can transpose any chord shape to different pitches. This means that once you’ve learned a chord shape, you can easily adapt it to play in any key.

For instance, an E major shape can be played with a bar on the first fret to create an F major chord, on the second fret for an F# major chord, and so on. Similarly, an A minor shape can be moved up the neck to form different minor chords.

Practicing this technique regularly will enhance your ability to play a wide range of chords effortlessly. Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy provides detailed lessons and exercises to help you perfect your barring technique. Join us to explore the full potential of your guitar playing with our comprehensive online guitar course. Continue reading

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Friday 5 July 2024

Guitar: How to turn three-note chords into seventh chords

 In Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, you’ll learn to enhance your playing by incorporating seventh chords. Seventh chords build on 3-note chords by adding the seventh note from the corresponding scale. In the key of C Major, we start with the basic chords (C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, B dim) and transform them into their seventh versions.

For example, the seventh versions in C Major are Cmaj7, Dm7, Em7, Fmaj7, G7, Am7, and Bm7b5. Practicing these seventh chords alongside their basic forms will deepen your understanding and improve your versatility.

To get started, alternate between playing each basic chord and its seventh version. For instance, play C and then Cmaj7, Dm and then Dm7, and so on. This methodical practice will help you internalize the sound and finger positioning of these chords.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy is designed to make learning seventh chords straightforward and enjoyable. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to seamlessly incorporate seventh chords into your playing, adding richness and complexity to your music. Join us to elevate your guitar skills with our comprehensive online guitar course. Continue reading

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Guitar: Chords and progressions for popular songs

 In Zelus Academy’s online guitar course, we’ll explore a few classic songs that showcase the use of simple chord progressions. First, we’ll dive into “Give Me One Reason” by Tracy Chapman, which features just three seventh chords. This song is a great starting point for learning how to incorporate seventh chords into your playing.

Next, we’ll learn “Magnolia” by J.J. Cale, a beautifully simple tune that relies on just two chords. This song will help you focus on rhythm and strumming techniques, demonstrating how effective minimalism can be in music.

Finally, we’ll tackle “I Shot The Sheriff” (Eric Clapton’s version), which uses four chords. This song offers a bit more complexity and will allow you to practice chord transitions and rhythmic variations.

Our guitar online learning program at Zelus Academy is designed to make these songs accessible to beginners while providing valuable practice for more experienced players. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to play these songs with confidence and understand the foundational concepts that make them work. Join us to master these iconic tracks and enhance your guitar skills through our comprehensive online guitar course.Continue reading

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Learning Drums: Understanding the drum kit

The sounds from the hi-hat, snare drum, bass drum, and all other cymbals in your drum kit are truly inspiring. In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, you'll explore the various tones and techniques of each component. The hi-hat, for instance, can be played closed, open, or with an open/close technique, each producing distinct sounds that add flavor to your drumming.

Your drum kit also includes the hi-tom, mid-tom, and floor-tom, which offer a range of tones for creating dynamic rhythms. The cymbals are crucial for accentuating your beats, with specific sizes like the 17-inch crash, 19-inch crash, and 21-inch ride, each contributing unique sound characteristics.

In our comprehensive drums online learning program, you'll learn how to integrate these elements seamlessly into your playing. Whether you're creating grooves or performing solos, understanding the role of each part of your drum kit is essential for developing your drumming skills.

Join Zelus Academy’s online drums course to master the art of drumming and unleash your creativity with every beat. Our structured lessons will guide you from basic techniques to advanced drumming, ensuring you become a versatile and skilled drummer.Continue reading

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Learning Drums: Understanding rhythms, understanding music

In today's lesson from Zelus Academy’s online drums course, we dive into the fundamentals of rhythm, focusing on counting out whole notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and rests. Understanding these rhythmic elements is crucial for creating and measuring grooves. Let's explore the rhythmic chart and get started!

Understanding the Rhythmic Chart

  1. Whole Note (Semibreve):

    • Count: 1-2-3-4
    • Description: A whole note lasts for four beats in a 4/4 time signature. It's the longest note value in common time, providing a sustained sound.
  2. Half Note (Minim):

    • Count: 1-2, 3-4
    • Description: A half note lasts for two beats. It's half the duration of a whole note, filling half of the measure in 4/4 time.
  3. Quarter Note (Crotchet):

    • Count: 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Description: Each quarter note lasts for one beat. Quarter notes are fundamental for keeping time and creating basic rhythmic patterns.
  4. Eighth Notes (Quavers):

    • Count: 1-&-2-&-3-&-4-&
    • Description: Eighth notes are half the duration of quarter notes, fitting two per beat. They add complexity and syncopation to rhythms.
  5. Sixteenth Notes (Semiquavers):

    • Count: 1-e-&-a-2-e-&-a-3-e-&-a-4-e-&-a
    • Description: Sixteenth notes divide each beat into four parts, creating intricate and fast-paced rhythms.
  6. Rests:

    • Whole Rest: Silent for four beats.
    • Half Rest: Silent for two beats.
    • Quarter Rest: Silent for one beat.
    • Eighth Rest: Silent for half a beat.
    • Sixteenth Rest: Silent for a quarter of a beat.

Creating and Measuring Grooves

To build a rhythm, combine these notes and rests creatively. Start with a basic structure and add complexity as you become more comfortable:

  1. Basic Rhythm:

    • Pattern: Quarter notes on 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    • Practice: Count aloud and play each quarter note on the snare drum.
  2. Adding Eighth Notes:

    • Pattern: Alternate quarter and eighth notes (1-&-2-3-&-4).
    • Practice: Incorporate the hi-hat and snare to create a simple groove.
  3. Incorporating Sixteenth Notes:

    • Pattern: Use sixteenth notes for fills or more dynamic sections (1-e-&-a-2-3-&-4).
    • Practice: Play sixteenth notes on the hi-hat while maintaining the quarter note beat on the kick drum.

Practical Exercise:

  1. Clap and Count: Clap the rhythms while counting aloud to internalize the timing.
  2. Play Along: Use a metronome to practice playing these rhythms on your drum kit, ensuring precision.
  3. Experiment: Create your own grooves by mixing different note values and rests.

Enroll in Zelus Academy’s online drums course for more in-depth lessons on rhythm and drumming techniques. Our expert instructors will guide you through each step, helping you master the art of drumming. Join us today and start creating your own captivating rhythms!Continue reading

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Monday 1 July 2024

Learning Drums: The art of posture behind the kit

 In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, you’ll discover the best way to hold and grip your drumsticks for an optimal drumming experience. Whether you prefer the Traditional grip, French grip, German grip, American grip, or Matched grip, our comprehensive course covers each technique to suit your convenience and style.

Traditional Grip:

  • Description: This grip is often used in jazz and marching band settings. One hand holds the stick underhand while the other holds it overhand.
  • Benefits: Offers greater control for intricate patterns and is ideal for certain musical genres.

French Grip:

  • Description: Sticks are held with palms facing each other, utilizing the fingers for control.
  • Benefits: Provides maximum finger control and is great for fast, intricate playing.

German Grip:

  • Description: Sticks are held with palms facing down, relying on wrist movement.
  • Benefits: Offers powerful strokes and is suitable for rock and heavy drumming styles.

American Grip:

  • Description: A hybrid of the French and German grips, with palms at a 45-degree angle.
  • Benefits: Combines power and control, making it versatile for various drumming styles.

Matched Grip:

  • Description: Both hands hold the sticks in the same way, either overhand or underhand.
  • Benefits: Simplifies learning and provides consistency across different styles of music.

Practical Tips:

  1. Experimentation: Try each grip to see which feels most comfortable and natural for you.
  2. Versatility: Understanding multiple grips can make you a more adaptable drummer.
  3. Comfort: Choose a grip that reduces strain and allows for extended play without discomfort.


  1. Warm-Up: Start with basic exercises using each grip to get a feel for them.
  2. Technique Practice: Focus on specific techniques that highlight the strengths of each grip.
  3. Speed and Control: Gradually increase speed while maintaining control and comfort.

Zelus Academy’s online drums course provides detailed video tutorials, personalized feedback, and practice routines tailored to help you master the grip that best suits your style and needs.

Enroll in Zelus Academy’s online drums course today to explore different gripping techniques and find the perfect fit for your drumming journey. Unlock your full potential with expert guidance and comprehensive learning resources.Continue reading

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Learning Drums:Elevate your drumming with the pyramid warmup

 In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, warming up properly is crucial for improving technique and preventing injuries. Here’s a structured warm-up routine focusing on single strokes:

Pyramid Single Stroke Warm-Up

  1. Start with Single Strokes: Begin by alternating single strokes between your left and right hands. Keep the strokes even and controlled.

  2. Build Up in Pyramid Structure:

    • Start with 1 single stroke on each hand.
    • Increase to 2 single strokes on each hand.
    • Continue increasing the number of strokes, moving up to 3, 4, and so on, until you reach 8 single strokes on each hand.
  3. Peak and Reduce:

    • After reaching 8 single strokes, start reducing the number of strokes.
    • Drop down to 7 single strokes on each hand.
    • Continue reducing the strokes to 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and back to 1 single stroke on each hand.
  4. Relax and Repeat: After completing the pyramid structure, relax your hands for a few moments. Shake them out to release any tension. Repeat the warm-up sequence if needed.

Benefits of the Pyramid Warm-Up

  • Muscle Memory: Helps in developing muscle memory and increasing control over each stroke.
  • Speed and Precision: Enhances speed and precision as you gradually increase and decrease the number of strokes.
  • Warm-Up and Flexibility: Prepares your muscles and joints for more intensive playing, improving overall flexibility.

Practical Exercise:

  1. Slow and Steady: Start at a slow tempo, ensuring each stroke is even and precise.
  2. Increase Tempo: Gradually increase the tempo as you become more comfortable, maintaining control and consistency.
  3. Focus on Relaxation: Keep your hands and wrists relaxed throughout the exercise to prevent strain.

Additional Tips:

  • Metronome Use: Practice with a metronome to maintain a steady tempo and improve timing.
  • Variation: Incorporate variations in dynamics, playing softly and loudly to build dynamic control.
  • Consistency: Make this warm-up routine a part of your daily practice to see continuous improvement.

Enroll in Zelus Academy’s online drums course to learn more effective drumming techniques and warm-up routines. Our expert-led lessons and practical exercises are designed to enhance your skills and ensure you’re always playing at your best. Join today and elevate your drumming practice!Continue reading

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Learning Drums:Holding drum sticks – are you doing it right?

 In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, proper posture and positioning are essential for effective and comfortable drumming. Here's a guide to help you set up correctly:

  1. Relaxation and Breathing: Once seated, start by relaxing your muscles and maintaining steady breathing. This helps in reducing tension and improving focus.

  2. Back Position: Keep your back straight. Good posture prevents strain and supports longer practice sessions.

  3. Hand Placement: Place your hands on the sides of your legs, ready to move to the drumsticks. This natural position helps in quick and efficient movement.

  4. Leg Positioning: Ensure your legs are comfortably positioned on the pedals. Your right leg should not be at a 90-degree angle when your foot is on the bass drum pedal. This positioning ensures better control and prevents fatigue.

  5. Distance from the Drum Kit: Your distance from the drum kit should be just right—not too far and not too close. You should be able to reach all components of the kit comfortably without stretching.

Additional Tips:

  • Chair Height: Adjust your drum throne to a height where your thighs are slightly angled downward. This enhances balance and stability.
  • Pedal Placement: Position the pedals so your feet can rest naturally on them. Avoid having to stretch or cramp your legs.
  • Arm Reach: Make sure your arms can reach the snare, toms, and cymbals without overextending. Your elbows should be slightly bent.

Practical Exercise:

  1. Warm-Up: Start with a few minutes of gentle stretching to loosen your muscles.
  2. Seat Adjustment: Experiment with different seat heights and distances until you find the most comfortable position.
  3. Pedal Practice: Spend some time practicing foot techniques on the pedals to ensure they are within easy reach and comfortable to use.

Benefits of Proper Positioning:

  • Improved Comfort: Reduces physical strain, allowing for longer practice sessions.
  • Better Control: Enhances your ability to execute precise movements and maintain rhythm.
  • Injury Prevention: Helps in avoiding common drumming injuries related to poor posture and positioning.

Enroll in Zelus Academy’s online drums course to learn more about proper drumming techniques and positioning. Our comprehensive lessons and expert guidance will help you maximize your drumming potential while maintaining comfort and efficiency. Join today and take the first step towards becoming a skilled drummer! Continue reading

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Learning Drums: Getting strong at the basics

 In Zelus Academy’s online drums course, you’ll discover the best way to hold and grip your drumsticks for an optimal drumming experience. Whether you prefer the Traditional grip, French grip, German grip, American grip, or Matched grip, our comprehensive course covers each technique to suit your convenience and style.

Traditional Grip:

  • Description: This grip is often used in jazz and marching band settings. One hand holds the stick underhand while the other holds it overhand.
  • Benefits: Offers greater control for intricate patterns and is ideal for certain musical genres.

French Grip:

  • Description: Sticks are held with palms facing each other, utilizing the fingers for control.
  • Benefits: Provides maximum finger control and is great for fast, intricate playing.

German Grip:

  • Description: Sticks are held with palms facing down, relying on wrist movement.
  • Benefits: Offers powerful strokes and is suitable for rock and heavy drumming styles.

American Grip:

  • Description: A hybrid of the French and German grips, with palms at a 45-degree angle.
  • Benefits: Combines power and control, making it versatile for various drumming styles.

Matched Grip:

  • Description: Both hands hold the sticks in the same way, either overhand or underhand.
  • Benefits: Simplifies learning and provides consistency across different styles of music.

Practical Tips:

  1. Experimentation: Try each grip to see which feels most comfortable and natural for you.
  2. Versatility: Understanding multiple grips can make you a more adaptable drummer.
  3. Comfort: Choose a grip that reduces strain and allows for extended play without discomfort.


  1. Warm-Up: Start with basic exercises using each grip to get a feel for them.
  2. Technique Practice: Focus on specific techniques that highlight the strengths of each grip.
  3. Speed and Control: Gradually increase speed while maintaining control and comfort.

Zelus Academy’s online drums course provides detailed video tutorials, personalized feedback, and practice routines tailored to help you master the grip that best suits your style and needs.

Enroll in Zelus Academy’s online drums course today to explore different gripping techniques and find the perfect fit for your drumming journey. Unlock your full potential with expert guidance and comprehensive learning resources.Continue reading

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Keyboard:Introduction to time signatures in music

 In the online Keyboard course at Zelus Academy , understanding time signatures is fundamental for any aspiring musician. The 4/4 time sign...