Monday 21 August 2023

Playing MUSIC could help your PLANTS grow faster?

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Thinking of practising your piano lessons today? How about sitting near the garden and serenading your plants while you’re at it? We’re not kidding, a South Korean study suggests that plants can actually “hear” music and this creates a conducive environment for their growth. That is provided your music is pleasant, perhaps? :P

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Every champion


The greatest athletes have inspiring journeys that take them to the top. While their backgrounds are as diverse as the obstacles they face, one thing is common – they work like crazy to achieve their goals. Put in the effort every day, go the distance.

Know more about the barre chord


If you’ve observed professionals play the guitar, you would see them using their index finger to bar the strings. These are known as barre/bar chords and they give a nice, percussive sound. More importantly, they allow you to move chords up or down a fret easily to adjust the tone.

Read this blog snippet to know more about the barre chord versions of some of the popular chords. For the full article featuring tips and practice exercises from Tony Das, a celebrated guitarist in India

Monday 7 August 2023

Spot the Technique

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When the football is headed towards you, an airborne strike is a powerful technique you can employ to score a goal. Basically, you need to strike the ball before it settles on the ground. Timing as you can imagine, is key in getting this right.

Can you spot the volley in these two images taken from our football tutorials? Learn more about how to go about it in our online course by Santosh Kashyap, former Indian footballer and Mahindra United player. Explore or search for the Zelus Academy app on Play Store.

Muay thai

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It’s quite common to get carried away when you first start learning any martial art or combat sport. Remember, it’s a journey and you have just begun. Stay humble, keep practising regularly, and we are sure you’ll become a champion fighter.

Expert tip of the day

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When you begin playing the keyboard or piano for the first time, there’s a good chance that your fingers will keep lifting off the keys since they are not used to that position. There are a few checks that you can put in place for this, such as covering your fingers gently with the other palm. You can also imagine holding a cricket ball in your palm, so that your fingers are curled and not flat on the keys.

For more expert tips from sought-after keyboardist and accomplished musician Noel Prashanth, please follow our page.

Saturday 5 August 2023

Celebrating World Music Day

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Music and sports – the two crafts that bridge hearts across the globe and unite us as one. At Zelus, we pay tribute to the masters of both.

Celebrating World Music Day, and the root passion that powers performance, both in sports and music. Let the universal language of music and the spirit of athleticism inspire your soul!

Keyboard:Introduction to time signatures in music

 In the online Keyboard course at Zelus Academy , understanding time signatures is fundamental for any aspiring musician. The 4/4 time sign...